So if you're an IG junkie like myself, I'm sure you've heard of PostalPix , the awesome app that PRINTS your IG pictures for you! They are great quality and competitively priced (which I just love). Caleb and I order our Postal Pix about every two months. They are just darling but unfortunately hard to fit into standard frames. With our stash of snaps ever growing, I was on the hunt for a display solution, when I came across some awesome ideas on Pinterest. There are a lot of great framing inspiration tutorials out there, for all different styles, so I adapted a few of my favorites and came up with an idea that worked for us! All you need is an old frame, wire cutters, needle nose pliers, a pen, a measuring tape or ruler, a framing wire kit ($2.50 at CVS) and a pack of clothes pins (about $1.50 at CVS).oh, and don't forget the star of the show: those cute little pictures! Since I am blogging from my phone ( would it then be called Phlogging!?... I like that.. ) I dont have the ability to post photo captions, so I will just tell you how I did it and post the photos after. Later I will clean it up on the computer to streamline and make it easier to follow! I hope this makes sense, if you have any questions feel free to ask! <3
1. Flip your frame over. With your tape measure, mark along the inside piece of wood where you would like to place your wires. I used the clothes pins to help place where I wanted them too. Keep in mind that you don't want your photos to be hidden by the photo above it. Leave enough space in between each row.
2. Carefully repeat the same step on the side parallel to the one you just measured. Use your pen again to mark where you will put your pins. Use your tape measure to ensure that both sides are evenly marked, as this will determine how straight your wire will be.
3. Place an I hook at each space you measured. They should be included in your framing kit, and they are super easy to install. Just put them where you want, press, and turn into the wood just like a screw. Make sure all of your hooks are vertical with the final twist, meaning that they are running parallel with the piece of wood they are screwed into.
4. After all hooks are in place, take your framing wire and using your wire cutters, cut into lengths about 4" wider than your frame. Cut the same amount of wire sections as you want rows. I have three rows of photos, so I cut three sections.
5. Using your pliers, feed each section into the corresponding hook. Tie and knot the wire to secure and attach the other end of each piece to the hook opposite from it. Make sure to use your pliers here to tighten after you tie your wire. If your rows look a little loose, you can try twisting your hook one or two more times into your frame to re tighten. I had to do this with my rows but you may be fine.
7. Now, you've got your structure down! Easy right!? All that's left is to hang your photos, do whatever feels right, it is YOUR masterpiece! I use the clothes pins. You could also use magnets, clips, twine, or any other attaching device you can think of to give your frame a little bit of "you!" now just frame and enjoy!
We are so excited and happy with our frame. We even decided we are going to rotate out the photos seasonally! So fun!! Ours is hanging right in our front room for us to enjoy everyday! It would also make a great gift, just give along with photos that are special or specific to the recipient! So good. I hope you were able to follow along. It's hard to describe how to do it, because it's so easy! So If you have any reservations about doing this project, reserve no more! It is SO easy and so cute! Do it do it do it!!! And show me when you're done!
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